Ask-Edd Carrd

Welcome to the Ask-Edd Carrd! This is the hub for the about, FAQ, and character profiles! Just click one of the navagation buttons to get started.


Welcome to Ask-Edd! This is an Eddsworld ask blog that uses Homestuck inspired talksprites to let the characters talk and answer asks! The ask box is almost always open, so feel free to drop some questions in (after reading the FAQ of course)
This blog also runs on a slight AU that cherry picks a few aspects of canon and leaves others out.
For instance, Tord is back at home with Edd and the others, but The End didn't happen. He's still the Red Leader, and his giant robot and tank are still at the house, but there's no bad blood or hard feelings, no one got hurt. Tord simply came back, and he was welcomed with open arms.
Other changes are listed in AU Differences

(This blog is NOT affiliated with the actual Eddsworld team,
all stories and headcanons are completely fan made unless stated otherwise)


To keep the chaos to a minimum, there are ask rules. If an ask is violating any of these rules, they will be deleted on the spot

  • No asks about shipping the canon characters. OCxOC and OCxCanon is fine, but no CanonxCanon unless the characters have been explicitly stated to be dating

  • No discourse asks

  • Keep it PG-13; Swearing is fine, but no NSFW asks and absolutely no slurs

  • Don’t mention the actual Edd Gould or any other real life people that are connected to the characters

  • No asks about the pandemic or politics or other current events, this is an escape from those things


This page is mainly to catch up new followers who may have missed out on the explanation for why everyone’s part animal or why Red and Blue from Dick Figures are their neighbors


As you may notice, several characters are seemingly part animal. The main 4 + Dan were given full transformative capabilities by Bing, while the Red Army soliders are experiments by Tord to figure out how Bing is able to do it and have the subject retain full controlThey are capable of shifting between 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and Full Form. The closer to full they are, they more animal like they appear. Full form means they 100% look and act like that animalForm change differences:

  • 1/4 Form - Heightened senses, sharp teeth

  • 1/2 Form - Ears/tails/wings show, minor uncontrollable animal habits form (Edd chasing a laser pointer, Tord wagging his tail)

  • 3/4 Form - Bodies become covered in fur/scales, heads become more animal shaped, less control over animal impulses (Tord chasing a ball, Matt being attracted to fruit)

  • Full Form - Full animal transformation, animal impulses take over, minor personality traits are retained

The Red Army experiments are usually trapped between one or two forms like Corey and Joey being permanently stuck in 1/2 form, Crusty and Manny only being able to shift between human and 1/2 form, Sean being stuck between 1/2 and 3/4 form, or Al being stuck in his full form.


After fixing the mirror that led to Ellsworld, the lads discovered they could also turn other mirrors into gateways to other universes.
The mirrors keep up with whatever source they lead to (meaning they can't use their meta knowledge to help the characters in the other universes because everything is happening as it's airing)
Connected universes include:

  • RWBY

  • Dick Figures

  • Camp Camp

  • Homestuck

  • My Little Pony

  • The real world

  • My Hero Academia (WIP)

  • Epithet Erased (WIP)


Shipping was previously only done between Dan and whatever character you wanted to see him kiss, but since the addition of Blormas, CL and Beau have also been shipped with a few characters
All shipping posts used to be tagged #polydan but now they're being tagged as #ae shipping, so please block those tags if you don't want to see that stuff
It's pretty safe to assume Dan can be shipped with just about anyone
CL is mainly shipped with Crusty, Corey, Manny, Sean, Joaquin, Mallard, Colin, and Simon
Beau is mainly shipped with Corey and Jeb
These are subject to change, but as of right now, you're free to ask shipping questions based on these pairs


This is, as the title says, the Frequently Asked Questions. If I've gotten the same ask multiple times, it's been added here so I don't have to keep answering it. If you ask a question and don't see it show up on the blog after a while, there's a chance it was already answered here

  • Where’s the FAQ? -- Right here!

  • Why wasn't my ask answered? -- There's a variety of answers for this one. A - I just couldn't think of anything interesting to say. B - It's been asked before. C - It breaks a rule/is inappropriate for the blog. D - It was a time sensitive ask, and I missed the deadline to answer it. E - It contains the words "tol" or "smol" (This is just a personal issue, those words make me uncomfortable)

  • Are the Lads friends with the Ellsworld Ladies? -- Yes, Matt fixed the mirror, so they’re all free to hang out whenever they want

  • What relation are the Ladies to Edd? -- They’re just friends.

  • Do the Ladies shift too? -- Yes

  • Are the rejects alive? -- Yes, and they also live downtown. Tomatoredd (Redd), Torm, and Scribble Tom (Scribbs) all live together in one house

  • Has Tom gone kitten shopping? -- Yes, that’s when he got Venom

  • Who is Venom? -- Venom is Tom’s pet snake

  • Do Matt and Tord have any pets? -- Matt has a plant named Pepper, but Tord doesn’t have any

  • If Tord could have a pet, what would he want? -- Tord would like a big dog like a husky and name it Kyle or Fang

  • Why does Edd have a cola pin? -- @thecrookedpineapple gave it to him

  • Does anyone else have a pet? -- Ell has a male cat named George, Matilda has a female fish named Sir Swimsalot Jr, Mark has a parakeet named Jaiden

  • Who’s Dan? -- Dan is a friend of Tom's from the US who moved to the UK (Meta Answer: He's my Eddsworld self insert that people (for some reason) wanted to see more of, so he was added to the roster)

  • Why does Dan look so tired/have dark circles around his eyes/have derpy eyes? -- The darkness around his eyes are hereditary, his mother and grandfather have them as well, and as for his derpy eyes, he was just born that way (Meta answer: My eyes are like that, and since he's my sona, he has them as well)

  • Who’s CL? - CL is Dan's friend from America who came to the UK to escape her home life. She lives in the apartment Dan used to live in before he moved in with the lads (Meta Answer: CL is @cola-losers. She’s my best friend and also helps out with writing lore and answers)

  • More will be added as they come up


Over the course of the blog, there's likely gonna be some retcons. If I find an idea I like, I'm very likely to just implement it because I like it. I do run it by a few people first to make sure it's not dumb, but for the most part, it's just added. Life's too short to not have fun with this kind of stuff, y'know?
Anyway, here's the list of all the retcons I've consciously made
-At first, Dan's eyes were normal, but they were retconned to be a bit derpy to reflect the fact that he's my Eddsworldsona and I have janky eyes
-Tord originally had On Model teeth, but due to outside influences (Cough@norskibritCough) he now has a tooth gap